The Sierra Club's Annual One Day Hike
–  Since 1974  –

Washington, DC to Harper's Ferry, WV
–  50K • 100K  –

CSS Nested Menus

Hike Day

Hike Day: Dropping Out

If you drop out of the hike at any point, you must notify a volunteer.

If you need to drop out, you should make every effort to do so at a support station where you can tell any of the volunteers present that you are dropping out.

If you are having problems reaching the next station, see In Case of Problems about what to do. If you drop out between stations and are picked up, please notify the Roster Coordinator, or one of the other contacts (see In Case of Problems); otherwise, we'll be searching for you. Contact numbers will be emailed to hikers prior to the hike, and will be on the handout available at the start of both the 50K and 100K hikes.

Upon dropping out, please contact a friend or family member to come and pick you up; that is, if they are not already there.

If you know you are dropping out at the next station, you may want to call them in advance so that you don’t have to wait long. If you cannot get a ride from one of your supporters, ask other hikers’ supporters that may be there to see if one of them is able to give you a ride.

If you cannot get a ride otherwise, let a volunteer know. There may be ad-hoc volunteer drivers coming to the station, or a station volunteer may be able to give you ride after the station closes or earlier, if a volunteer is leaving earlier.

Please understand that you may need to wait, possibly for an extended period, before getting a ride. Furthermore, your initial ride may take you to another support station, and thus, you may need multiple rides to get to your destination. If you must wait, please be patient and use the opportunity to rest.